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Latest PSL news with live updates of PSL T20 news, match reports, analysis, blogs and articles with Pakistan Super League match reports, scorecards, players interviews. 

Wednesday 28 December 2016

Blogging make me a better person


My blog is my anchor point. It’s like when mothers get worried about their bachelor sons and say:
“Let’s get him married now. The bad habits will disappear once he has responsibility.”
Yes, I admit it. Without my blog, I’m a pod without an engine floating in outer space. I’d have no discipline and no routine, and my life would be completely topsy-turvy if it weren’t for my blog.
Over time, I’ve learned that it is one thing to have a blog, and it’s another thing to own a blog.
Owning a blog, akin to having a garden, is a beautiful meditative art. It helps you connect with yourself. You watch something grow before your eyes. You tend to it each day and wait (not desperately, but expectantly) for that flower to appear. When it does, you don’t scream with joy. You just feel a happy, contented smile come over your face.
For someone like me, running a blog isn’t just about realizing my dreams. It’s not just about sharing travel stories with those who care to read them. It’s not just an attempt to keep traveling for the rest of my life and call it a ‘career’. My blog is a way to find my way back to orbit and stay connected. It helps me live a happy life.
It might seem crazy, but here are five ways in which my blog is making me a better person by teaching me great life lessons.

5 Lessons learned from Blogging:


Six months of research and execution has helped me understand the potential of blogging. The magnitude is only just dawning on me. The sky is really the limit.
I can take this blogging thing anywhere; make it as big as I can dream. The only thing that’s required of me is to keep at it.
Both dreaming and doing.

Even though our dreams can seem massive and scary, and our mortal selves too fragile, it’s not that bad. All we need to do is take it one day at a time and with baby steps. Every little action toward the right direction will eventually add up. Nothing goes to waste.


To keep giving and giving and not getting anything back in return can be a bummer. It’s demotivating, frustrating, and leads to a lot of self-doubting.
To build up a blog from scratch, to create great content, to create a user-friendly interface for your readers to be able to navigate through your content better, AND to act as your blog’s PR agent by taking what you created out into the world – that’s a lot of work.
And as far as I know, our minds are our biggest enemies. We pull ourselves down when the going gets tough. But the biggest favor I can do for myself and my blog is to push through ‘just another day’.

The only meaningful thing in life is what I choose to do with my time. If I give up, then I have wasted all the time I had invested in the first place. That’s the worst. That means I’d have to go back to step one and start all over again. Things become meaningful only when you give them meaning.

3.Love  Yourself:

Six months of blogging has made me feel that it doesn’t matter if the grass is greener on the other side. It doesn’t even matter if there is grass on the other side. Maybe there’s ice cream. Who knows?
All I care about is the blog I started and the hard work I have been putting into it. My blog is teaching me how to love what I do. And that’s the best thing to learn because that also means that I am learning to respect my dreams and am ready to do all that needs to be done.
There’s this perpetual sense of curiosity. We ask questions like, “Am I getting the best I could be getting right now?” And, “What’s my neighbor doing?” It’s because we love ourselves and we feel we deserve the best the world has to offer. But greed makes us stop loving what we have, and we focus on what others have instead. The ideal way is to remember that the best comes when you make something of any opportunity.


Anyone who blogs professionally knows that this isn’t some kind of shortcut to success or money.
Blogging requires years of dedicated hard work. And the more I realize this, the more patient and calm I find myself becoming. Blogging has made me realize that there’s enough time for everything if you have patience.

 I’ve learned that rushing through anything is a waste of time. Even in dire situations where there is a serious dearth of time, a patient mind achieves way more than a chaotic and rushed one. So just breathe. Relax. Take it easy. There’s enough time in life for work, for chilling, for spending time with friends and family, and for success. You’ve just got to spread it all out.


In sickness and in health, my blog is a piece of me.
I dreamed it up, and I started it.
If I don’t post, no one else will.
This is a part of the world that was born out of me, and it will die if I don’t stand by it.

Of course, my endeavors might not be up to everyone’s expectations. Some people might find it silly. Some might think it’s a waste of time. Well, I have two choices. I can agree with them and give up on what I started, or I can continue to believe in my ideas and carry on doing what I do because I enjoy doing it.
Commitment is simply the courage to stand by what you believe in. There will be contradictory voices all around you. Sometimes you will find your inner voice telling you all kinds of negative things. But that’s really sad. You have to learn how to enjoy a party alone before you can invite others to it.


I am grateful that I took those first steps down this path. Being a blogger has taught me a lot about myself and my life.
I’ve learned to be true to myself, and I’ve learned to always stay curious.
Above all, I’ve learned that life is the best teacher.
In what ways has blogging made you a better person? Let me know in the comments below!

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Disadvantages of Facebook:
One of the major concerns and disadvantages of Facebook has to do with Facebook’s privacy.
In the past, it has created a lot of buzz due to sudden changes, but now Facebook has simplified its privacy settings.
Another thing to consider has to do with the availability of really personal information, whether it’s in video, pictures, or text.

Here’s a good rule:
                Never give out too much personal information.
All throughout the internet, we should always keep in mind the privacy of our personal data. After it’s placed online, we lose all control.


Even though Facebook has simplified its privacy settings, many unknowing users still end up publishing private images and status updates publicly.

Also, people usually keep their Facebook friends list visible to the public, and this helps Facebook stalkers find more information about you.


Facebook is full of fake profiles.

There is no limit to these profiles. Most of them are created by stalkers or marketers looking to gain more friends and use it for their marketing purposes.
There are many ways by which you can identify a fake Facebook profile.


Many users still don’t use the Facebook list feature which is very helpful to keep your status updates targeted to a specific group of friends (e.g college friends, office friends, etc.)
I’m sure you don’t want to get fired from your job because of silly status updates about how much your boss sucks.


Of all of Facebook’s disadvantages, I believe this is one of the major reasons why people deactivate or delete their Facebook profile. Being one of the best ways to stay updated about what your friends are doing, people spend too much time on this vast social networking site.
Facebook offers many entertainment applications and games which engage users to a great extent. Apart from that, Facebook chat and Facebook video chat are another two time-consuming features.
If you want to use Facebook to your advantage, set yourself a time-limit. Spending too much time on Facebook might make you a Facebook addict, and you might end up wasting too much time.


Weighing the scales, where we put the advantages and disadvantages of Facebook, we can conclude that, if Facebook is used in the right proportions, and with proper care, it can be a powerful tool for marketing and networking.
In particular, any online or offline business can leverage the power of Facebook for business success. It’s why Facebook has become, in a short time, one of the most widely used marketing tools in today’s business world.
While there are some disadvantages, they can be overcome with some knowledge about the platform, and a little bit of self-discipline. In other words, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.
How do you use Facebook? What’s your opinion on Facebook? Is it helping you or are you simply spending too much time on it? 
Do let us know if you think of any other advantages and disadvantages of Facebook. Share your opinion in the comments!

Advantages of FACEBOOK


Facebook, arguably the most famous social networking site, comes with its own pros and cons. Here in this article, I will try to show some of the advantages and disadvantages of Facebook.

Facebook has helped to create a brand for many individuals and businesses. Moreover, it’s a major source of entertainment for people around the globe. Since Facebook is a global social networking site available in various parts of the world, location is not a barrier.

Also, with the Facebook translation feature, you can easily connect with Facebook users from different countries and with people who speak a variety of different languages.


Facebook is arguably the most powerful social media and social networking site out there. You can use Facebook to connect with your family, friends, work colleagues, and you can even meet new people on Facebook.

Most people who know how to use a computer and internet have a profile on Facebook.

Moreover, it’s easy to find like-minded people by seeing their interests, and you can easily connect with them using wall updates, private messages, and video chats.


Facebook is also known for finding dates.

Indeed, with a social network powered by over 1 billion active users, it’s easy to find a date that shares common interests and hobbies.

Finding dates in this way, much of the time you won’t get into incompatibility issues. (Much of the time…)

One should be careful about fake Facebook profiles, though, as they are usually created by stalkers or spammers.

(Perhaps this is a disadvantage, but Facebook is also becoming one of the major vehicles for failed relationship and breakups.)


Facebook is one of the largest sites in the world where we are not only allowed, but encouraged to connect with everyone.

Anyone can take advantage of Facebook to maintain a good relationship with others who identify with certain tastes or products. This is very important because as a business, you can sell or promote a product/service to a highly targeted audience, thus increasing the possibilities of making money on the internet.

Facebook allows the establishment of partnerships between various projects. Moreover, using a Facebook fan page, you can increase your brand value and social media presence for your business. If used properly, Facebook can help you find new leads and clients.


Facebook can also be used as video chat tool.

Recently, Facebook implemented the Facebook video chat feature in partnership with Skype. Now you can make video calls to your friends using Facebook’s inbuilt video chat service.


You can also use Facebook as a site to host images and videos. You can set privacy levels for individual albums to control who can see what you share.

Moreover, you can always download your complete collection of Facebook photos and videos using the Facebook backup account feature.


The real advantage of Facebook is that it’s a real-time social networking site. This makes it one of the best sources to stay updated with the latest news and information. Major news usually goes viral on Facebook, and most brands use it to announce important things regarding their products/services.

Bloggers and internet marketers can subscribe to popular blog fan pages and keep themselves aware of the latest updates. In fact, I have one profile just to gather news.


Facebook’s Timeline gives a completely new look regarding your personal profile branding.
With the Facebook Timeline cover, you are allowed create a dramatic first impression as the cover pic will quickly tell people what you are all about.
Also, you can make certain updates public, and if done strategically, you can use it as a portfolio. For example, if you want people to recognize you as a Facebook business expert (provided you are one), you can set your privacy to Public for your most commented and liked “Facebook for business tips, articles, and discussions”.
This way all your new profile visitors will see your expertise, and they will be connecting with you because of your useful and targeted updates. This will also help you get more subscribers and potential clients.

Monday 26 December 2016

Oxidizing Agent With Example

                Oxidizing Agent


                    "A substance which oxidizes other substance and itself get reduced,is called oxidizing agent".

Classical Concept:
                                   A substance which supplies oxygen,or any other electronegative element like chlorine,to a compound in a chemical reaction.

                    CO2,O2 and HNO3 are oxidizing agents.

Electronic Concept:
                                   An oxidizing agent,or oxidant,gains electrons and is reduced in a chemical reaction.
                                   A  substance whose oxidation number is decreased in a chemical reaction is called an oxidizing agent.


                           Following are examples;


                         These agents are chemicals that spontaneously evolve oxygen at room temperature with slight heating and promotes combustion.The oxidizing agent may.

  1.  Provide oxygen to the substance being oxidized.

Sunday 25 December 2016

How We Remove Virus From USB

      How We Remove Virus From USB

if your USB,Memory Card, or your hard disk is infected with virus.Computer Virus infection is only removed through antivirus programs as you know, but this time we are talking about Shortcut Virus, a new modern virus automatically comes in your computer/USB/SD card and convert all of your content into a shortcut. Some time this virus makes you content invisible (not showing) and storage showing still full.
The first thing I really got mad about Shortcut virus problem is not removable by anti-virus programs, even when you scan the shortcut virus infected location with an antivirus, it reply “No threat detected” and it becomes really confusing. People who don’t know how to remove this virus.
If you’re helpless to format your storage, so please don’t do this again, because it is not a genuine solution. If your storage didn’t contain files or anything important, then you should format your storage because formatting also a another method to flush out shortcut virus.
The cause of this virus is an internet, third party software, USB storage and more. Sometime when you connect a pen drive to your friends computer for exchanging data, but you didn’t know your friend’s computer is already infected by a shortcut virus..

Follow My Steps

STEP 1:         open CMD (command prompt)

step 2:        cls (used to clear your screen)

step 3:       color Oa

step 4:       Again type cls command.

step 5:       Enter The Name of directory which is infected with virus.
                  forexapmle E is infected with virus then we type

Step 6:      Then Type: attrib -s -h -a -r /d /s

Step 7: wait for a while and the type : del *.1nk.

Now,there is no more virus in your USB.This is the real method.