Wednesday 28 December 2016


Disadvantages of Facebook:
One of the major concerns and disadvantages of Facebook has to do with Facebook’s privacy.
In the past, it has created a lot of buzz due to sudden changes, but now Facebook has simplified its privacy settings.
Another thing to consider has to do with the availability of really personal information, whether it’s in video, pictures, or text.

Here’s a good rule:
                Never give out too much personal information.
All throughout the internet, we should always keep in mind the privacy of our personal data. After it’s placed online, we lose all control.


Even though Facebook has simplified its privacy settings, many unknowing users still end up publishing private images and status updates publicly.

Also, people usually keep their Facebook friends list visible to the public, and this helps Facebook stalkers find more information about you.


Facebook is full of fake profiles.

There is no limit to these profiles. Most of them are created by stalkers or marketers looking to gain more friends and use it for their marketing purposes.
There are many ways by which you can identify a fake Facebook profile.


Many users still don’t use the Facebook list feature which is very helpful to keep your status updates targeted to a specific group of friends (e.g college friends, office friends, etc.)
I’m sure you don’t want to get fired from your job because of silly status updates about how much your boss sucks.


Of all of Facebook’s disadvantages, I believe this is one of the major reasons why people deactivate or delete their Facebook profile. Being one of the best ways to stay updated about what your friends are doing, people spend too much time on this vast social networking site.
Facebook offers many entertainment applications and games which engage users to a great extent. Apart from that, Facebook chat and Facebook video chat are another two time-consuming features.
If you want to use Facebook to your advantage, set yourself a time-limit. Spending too much time on Facebook might make you a Facebook addict, and you might end up wasting too much time.


Weighing the scales, where we put the advantages and disadvantages of Facebook, we can conclude that, if Facebook is used in the right proportions, and with proper care, it can be a powerful tool for marketing and networking.
In particular, any online or offline business can leverage the power of Facebook for business success. It’s why Facebook has become, in a short time, one of the most widely used marketing tools in today’s business world.
While there are some disadvantages, they can be overcome with some knowledge about the platform, and a little bit of self-discipline. In other words, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.
How do you use Facebook? What’s your opinion on Facebook? Is it helping you or are you simply spending too much time on it? 
Do let us know if you think of any other advantages and disadvantages of Facebook. Share your opinion in the comments!


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